Thursday, April 25, 2013

This past week I was having trouble sleeping, every night I would toss and turn. Trying to figure out why this would be happening to me. I would ask God, why can’t I get to sleep, is there something you want me to do?. And every time I would ask him that I felt that He wanted me to read the bible.I kept on ignoring it, because I didn't want to get out of my warm cozy bed and read. I wanted to sleep! So a few hours would pass, then finely I would fall asleep. (And take naps in the day time.) But every night I had problems with falling to sleep. The night before last I was having troubles sleeping AGAIN, so then I thought I’d try sleeping on the couch. So I went down on the couch with one of my sisters, but that didn't help. I was laying there on the couch wide awake not knowing what to do with myself. Then I started to talk to God. asking him: "what do you want me to do, please tell me?" Then I heard him say, "read the bible, talk to Me." But I keep on making excuses, saying I can’t right now, it’s dark, my sister is sleeping, I don’t want to wake her up. Then I started thinking of how stupid I was being. I prayed and asked God for forgiveness for not obeying him right away.  Then God told me to read in Matthew. I read three chapter’s in Matthew. Then read a chapter in Mark. Where it was talking about Jesus performing miracles by healing the sick, and telling stories to the people. Showing love everywhere He went. Those are such good stories. I could read them over and over again. God is so wonderful! I love him. After I was done I fell right to sleep. The next morning I felt really happy. I also got to share with my older sister what happened. We talked for awhile. I think that was the one of the first times I was able to talk with her about God without all the others around always trying to talk. After talking to her I felt very encouraged and happy. I thank God for all He taught me this week. And I want to thank my older sister for encouraging me.

God bless everyone who read’s this.